/ Films
Città impossibile – Temporale
Impossible city – Rainstorm
8mm B/W film on dvd
Subt. Eng/Ita
“Impossible city” is a metaphysic city. Changes its appearence through sounds and noises, making the orientation of those who live in hard. This city generates memories and thoughts that permeate throughout the urban fabric.
Temporale is the second episode.

Città impossibile – Il ponte dell’eco
Impossible city – Echo bridge
8mm B/W film on dvd
Subt. Eng/Ita
“Impossible city” is a metaphysic city. Changes its appearence through sounds and noises, making the orientation of those who live in hard. This city generates memories and thoughts that permeate throughout the urban fabric. Echo bridge is the name of this episode, the first of a series of short movies whose protagonist is a man who disappears under the reflection of this bridge.
“That day the city awoke beyond its concrete aspect / Sharpers rumors were the sounds of thoughts / Memories decanted forming hundreds of layers Staining walls, corners, streets and bridges / Architectural bodies gradually dressed this sediment / In that city feelings were manifested like reflected waves / Like water that floats over the arch of a bridge under the morning sun / Time had never been more indifferent to landscape’s problems / Space seemed to divide itself and time lies frozen on Its fragments / And suddenly everything disappeared”

Video HD colore
The interior of a seedy apartment crates dreamlike evocation of the sea. Through imaginary noises we are transported elsewhere, away from decadence.

Nulla si perde, nulla si crea, tutto si trasforma

Two channel video installation – black and white
Filum could be an attempt to go back to the own origins trying to understand who we are, giving a look to our own roots. The operation consists in making a parallel between two persons who belong to the same family, my father and I, two identities that share the same “filum”.
When we think in word, for example “circus” we imagine a structure where a show takes place and where we laugh. If we try the origin of this word we notice that is not related to the notion of entertainment but to the shape of the place where the shows were represented. Circus means circle.
In the same way, the identity of every human being has a root, but this root changes because the person lives different experiences. If more are the contexts where one moves, is probably that more wil be the elasticity and the changes that our own identity will have. Like the transformation of the meaning of a word, that during the step of the centuries was used in different contexts.
In this 6 years that I live far away from the place where I’ve grown I realize that the way I think is changed not only in a linguistic way, but also the sense of belongings towards a culture becames weaker, like being countinuosly out of context. This position allows to watch the things with distance, the distance of who is outside and not inside. Many years ago my habits were much similar to those of my father, the way to eat, to conceive the time, or the way to plan life.
I would like to measure how much distance there is between me and what I was years ago, taking like reference a person who represents my roots and that haven’t change so much in this years.
I make this parallel using daily actions and gestures: The job, moments of leisure, shaving, walking downtown, etc We make the same actions at the same time showing the differences and the similarities between us.

Breve catalogo de hojas perdidas
Brief catalogue of lost sheets / leaves
video 3’ 40’’
“Brief catalogue of lost sheets / leaves” is a work about memory. The title in Spanish allows two inerpretations, because “hoja” means at the same time leaf and sheet. We can see images of a kind of plant that I have bought several times in the last years, becoming the witness of my life.
The work begins with a reflection about memories, their strait tie with identity. I take a phrase of a Japanese animation that says “They’ll either kill us or wipe out our memories…We’’ll lose our identities anyway”. Before this phrase we can hear different noises and conversations in various languages that could belong to the past of whichever person. The plant loses the leaves and at the same time the book of our memory loses the sheets.